Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment Terms and Condition
1. The Terms and Conditions apply to the publication of contracts concluded through the website of the Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment through related e-mail communication, and to all related services provided by RJCE.
2. Any user of the website or services will be referred to as “AUTHOR” throughout these Terms and Conditions.
3. Any Legal terms by the Customer which diverge from these Terms and Conditions will not apply unless expressly confirmed by Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment in written form.
4. To publish a publication service through the Website, the Author must first register with the Website.
5. The requirements for registering with the Website are that the Author is of full age and has full legal capacity.
6. The APC(publication fee), application process charge is non refundable to the authors.
7. The Author asks for contracting publication and editorial services with RJCE. The moment he/she submits an original scientific article / Review Article/ Abstract Article for evaluation through peer-review and possible publication by Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment.
8. The Author agrees to support open access publishing, which allows unlimited access to his/her published paper. In addition, he/she agrees to the article processing charge (APC) and is bound to pay the APC (Application Process Charge) after acceptance of the paper for publication.
9. there will be no refund policy. you have admited all the terms and condition and signed the copy right agreement before submission.